un-stuck yourself

Sometimes we get stuck. Sometimes that stuck-ness takes over our lives. It holds us back from the things we desire most, from the life we want, from the people we love. Sometimes stuck happens with work, with creativity. Sometimes stuck permeates your entire life. How do we “unstuck” ourselves?

We clear space. We move, we breathe, we open up. We accept that we are not perfect and neither is that person posting on social media about their perfect life, and neither is that artist we think is always having exhibitions or that entrepreneur who just made millions on the sale of their business. We begin one step at a time. Make time, create space for the thing you want. Do one small thing every day to change. Create habits. Good habits. In order to make drastic lasting changes in life, one must begin with the small step. Repeat that small step over and over until it creates space for the next step. One foot in front of the other and eventually the movement will make you unstuck.